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ISSN 2447-8946 (eletronic)

ISSN 0102-8464 (print)

Submit your Paper


Submission to the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education (J Phys Ed), please carefully read all the following instructions.


The Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education uses the Open Journal System (OJS) for submission and peer review of scientific articles. Please read the instructions for authors before submitting your article. All guidelines for the preparation and submission of your manuscript are presented below. Furthermore, please, click the following link to be aware of our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (PEMS) .

In Sports Sciences area, the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education, has multidisciplinary character and its scope includes: physiological, biomechanical, psychological, nutritional and epidemiological studies of physical activity, including sports, exercise and physical training, related to health and physical fitness. Furthermore, epidemiological studies focusing injuries and diseases related to sports, neuroscience applied to sports and / or physical training for high performance, and those that focus physical activity and its relationship to health. Methodological issues related to high-intensity exercise are also topics of interest. The types of articles published in the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education are original studies, review, case studies / brief commentaries, the latter by invitation.

In Sports Management area, topics such as organizational theory, behavior and strategy, sport interventions, sports management and health, law and politics, economics, finance and accounting, marketing, consumer behavior, sponsorship, advertising and licensing, media, communication and public relations, sports tourism, organization and management of major sports events are part of the scope. Approaches to quantitative and / or qualitative type are welcome. Articles that aim to strengthen the link between Sports Management theory and practice in the field are also of interest. Articles in Sport Management are review type, case studies, brief reports, research notes - that report project development test and data analysis (research notes), commentaries that focus on important issues related to Sports Management perspective, and articles to strengthen the link between theory and practice (field studies). In addition to these, relevant book reviews that are out of editing (Off Print) and new issues of interest to professionals in Sports Management (management memos) are also accepted. 
Check out the Scope.

In addition, one of the relevant themes is the Historical Aspects of Physical Education that, in Brazil, relates to the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education.



Instructions for Authors



The Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education considers all manuscripts for review since the publication of originality condition is met; which means that it is not duplication of any other work published previously, although from the author himself.

By submitting the manuscript to the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education the author infers tacit statement that the work is not under consideration of other peer review process, or is accepted for publication or in press and was not published elsewhere.

The manuscript to be submitted can not contain anything that is abusive, defamatory, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal.

Please note that the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education uses the software Plagiarism Combat® to assess the content of manuscripts as the originality of the written material. By submitting your manuscript to the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education, you agree that this procedure might be applied in your work at any time of the peer review and production process.

Any author who does not comply with the above conditions will be liable for the costs that are imposed on the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education for his manuscript, which will be rejected or retracted from the records. For for further information, please, clique here Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (PEMS).


Preparation of the Manuscripts


General guidelines

Style and formatting

Types of articles


Tables and figures

Considerations on ethics involving humans

Peer review

Editorial decisions

Terms and nomenclatures

Material with copyright

Submission of manuscripts

Cession of copyright rights

Free Access policy


General guidelines


Manuscripts are accepted in Portuguese, English and Spanish. In the case of submission in English, if the author's native language is not English, during the electronic submission process, it will be necessary language review by an English native speaker. This requirement pattern is in line to the praxis performed by high quality journals and aims to ensure the correct language, in order that the papers published by the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education be widely recognized in the international scientific community.


A typical original article can not exceed 4,000 words not including references, tables, figures and legends.

Manuscripts that exceed this amount of words shall, prior to submission, be critically reviewed in relation to the length. The article's words count should appear in the Title Page. Items that exceed by much to this number of words must be accompanied by a justification letter to the editor to request exceptional for publication. For short literal quotations, use quotation marks, long quotations (more than two lines) they shall be in detached and indented paragraph. Footnotes should not be used.


Please consider that the inclusion of an author is justified when he/she contributed in the intellectual point of view for its realization. Thus, an author must have participated in the design and planning work, as well as the interpretation of the evidence and / or writing and / or revision of the drafts. All authors should have approved the final version. Therefore, participate in data collection and cataloging procedures does not constitute authorship. For these and others who have contributed to the realization of the work special mention can be presented in the Acknowledgments section (See and download the Template).

It is considered the amount of six (6) A number of authors. In the case of a larger number of authors, must be sent to the Editor an explanatory letter describing the contribution of each one in the paper.


For all manuscripts non-discriminatory language is mandatory. Sexist or racist terms should not be used.

Tables, equations or image must be incorporated into the  the appropriate place.

During the eletronic submission process, the corresponding author must declare that the manuscript has not been previously published (except for the Summary / Abstract format), and that it is not under consideration of another journal, nor will be submitted to another journal until the final editorial decision is taken.


Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order:

1. Title Page (separated file that should be uploaded in Supplementary Documents)

2. Abstract

3. Keywords

4. Body text

5. Acknowledgments

6. Conflict of interests

7. Statement funding

8. References

9. Appendixes (as applicable)



Statistical analyzes should be contained in the Methods section and should explain the methods used in the study.


Guidelines for scientific research report

Authors are encouraged to use the guidelines to relevant research reports for the type of study provided by the EQUATOR Network (more details below). This ensures that the author provide enough information for editors, reviewers and readers can understand how the survey was conducted, and to judge whether the results are likely to reliability.

The main checklists to follow, corresponding to the types of study are as follows:

• Randomized controlled trials (RCTs): Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT). Such studies should have been recorded in a database according to the recommendations SCIELO and LILACS.The registration number should appear at the end of the Summary / Abstract.

• Systematic reviews and meta-analyzes: directives and guidelines: PRISMA.

• Observational studies in epidemiology: Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE).

• Improving the Quality of Web Surveys: The Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES).


Cover illustration

The Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education requests to the authors to submit a cover illustration (color) that reflects scientific research on the paper to be submitted in order to compose the electronic version of the article and possibly the cover of the volume in which it is published. It is not a mandatory item and there is no charge, nevertheless the authors are encouraged to send a representative picture of their work. This should have a resolution of 1200 dpi.



It is strongly recommended to use the templates available below. Please, format your article by inserting it in its document model specific to hte typde of the study.


Pre-submission checklist

In order to reduce the possibility of your manuscript come to be returned, check out:

Information on the author(s):

• Did you provide details of all your co-authors?

• Information entered in the Open Journal System (OJS) are the same constants in the manuscript Title Page?

Manuscript length and formatting:

• Did you verify that your manuscript does not exceed the quantity limits for word count, number of tables and / or figures, and number of references?

• Did you check if your resume is in the correct format?

• Did you numbered the lines?

• The space lines are double?

• Did you numbered the right end of the pages?

• Did you fulfill properly the Title Page and uploaded it in Supplementary Files


• Have you incorporated all the tables in the main text (in the appropriated places)?

• Have the tables been cited in the text?

• Did you provide appropriate titles and subtitles?

• Were the long tables sent as appendices?


• The figures were prepared (preferably color) and the appropriate resolution?

• Are they in an acceptable format and are of sufficient quality?

Have you inserted the files in the appropriated place in the text?

• Were the figures cited in the text?

• Did you provide appropriate captions for the figures?


• All references are cited in the text?

• Did you cited and listed the references according to the Vancouver of Imperial College of London style? 

Supplementary documents and appendices:

• Have you provided these in an acceptable format?

• Were these documents cited in the main text?


• Have you included the necessary statements regarding contribution, interests, data sharing, ethical approval, funding, and conflict of interest?

Checklists for scientific research report:

• Did you follow the appropriate guidelines for your type of study?

• Did you supply the three featured key points of the paper (the Title Page)?


• Have you obtained the rights holder to re-use any material published previously?

• The source is fully acknowledged?


• Did you provide the names of preferential and non-preferential reviewers?

Revised manuscript:

• Have you provided both copy marked and clean copy of your manuscript?

• Have you provided a letter to the editor responding point by point the questions and comments of the reviewer and the editor?

Click here and download the Evaluation Form used by the reviewers.


↑ Top


1. Title Page

Should contain:

  • Full title with no more than 150 characters with spaces

  • Short title with no more than 75 characters with spaces

  • Abstract's words count

  • Body text words count

  • Highlights three (3) points  of the article in contribution to knowledge

  • Full names of authors

  • Keywords (up to five) for indexing purposes

  • Indication of the corresponding author

  • Contacts: address, phone numbers of the corresponding author and e-mail addresses of all authors

  • Title of the authors

  • Affiliation of the authors

  • Acknowledgments

  • Financing and sponsoring institutions (if applicable)

  • Conflict of Interest Statement



Please note that the e-mail address of the corresponding author will usually appear in the printed article (PDF) and in the online article. Download the template of the Title Page.


During the submission process, in order to preserv anonymity the Page Title should be submitted in Supplementary Files.


The importance of the paper title

The title and summary are very important for search engines on the Internet; many of whom only indexing these two parts of your article. Thus, your paper title should be concise, accurate and informative. Read more in Optimizing the visibility of your article on the internet.


2. Abstract

For all types of articles, the abstract should not exceed 250 words and must summarize the work, giving a clear indication of the conclusions contained therein. It should be structured with sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion. Review articles present the sections: Introduction, Discussion and Conclusion. The templates should be used.

Articles in English will be required to submit the summary in both languages: Portuguese (Summary) and English (Abstract). In no case exceeding the limit of words count. Read more about good attributes for the Abstract in Optimizing the visibility of your article on the internet.


3. Keywords

The manuscript should have 3-5 key words. It is essential that authors, reviewers and editors employ every effort to ensure that the articles can be found online, quickly, accurately and preferably within the three main keywords indicated. In this context, the proper use of keywords is crucial. Please to choose your keywords consulting the descriptors in the Health Sciences Virtual Library (Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde: BVS) and / or the Mesh Terms. One should be very carefull choosing the keywords because the use of proper keywords helps in increasing the chances of the article to be located and therefore cited; there is a strong correlation between displayed online results and subsequent citations in journal articles (read more in Optimizing visibility of your paper). Search engines on the Internet are the main starting points. Students are increasingly likely to start your search using Google Scholar ™ instead begin by traditional starting points as physical libraries and / or print journals. The terms of keywords may differ from the actual text used in the title and abstract, but must accurately reflect what the article is about.


4. Body Text

The texts must be produced in Word 2003 format or later, using font Times New Roman size 12, with a margin of 3 cm on the left, double-spaced. The text may contain headings and subheadings, bordered on the left. The titles should be in bold with only the first letter of each word capitalized. Subtitles should be highlighted only in italics. If necessary, the second level of subtitles it shall only be underlined. It should be avoided more than these levels. Please download the template for your Type of Article, which contains the specific format.

The different types of articles and their respective sections can be found in Types of Articles section.

All other details should be consulted in the Style and Formatting section.


5. Acknowledgments

Special thanks; recipients must consent to be mentioned.


6. Conflict of interests

Statement whether there is any conflict of interest between authors and / or institutions to publication of the article is necessary. The section is required to appear after the body text (use the templates).


7. Statement financing

Declare the sponsoring institution of the study. Required section to appear before the references (use the template).


8. References

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited references and should be checked before submitting the manuscript. Maximum number of citations is 40 references; except for review articles. Authors should respect this limit. The style of references used by the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education is the Imperial College London Vancouver  (see examples below). The style is available in the free reference manager Zotero, which operates in the Mozilla Firefox. First, you must install the application, then install the plugin appropriate to your text editor, then download the style. Please, note that the titles of periodicals are presented in italics (books and others are different, see details below) and DOI (see below) when available should be included.


Citations in the text

When making a citation in the text, if there is more than one author, use the expression "et al." after the name of the first author. References should be numbered consecutively as they arise throughout the text. References cited in figures or tables (or their legends and their footnotes) should be numbered between parentheses, according to the location in the text where the table or figure, the first time it has been cited. Reference numbers in the text should be inserted immediately after the parenthesis (no spacing between words); for example: ,(6) and not , (6). Where there is more than one citation, they shall be separated by a comma, for example: (1, 4, 39). For sequences of consecutive numbers, to the first and the last sequence number separated by a hyphen, for example, (22-25). In the case of a book, the pages should be mentioned.


The list of references

References should be numbered consecutively in the order they are mentioned in the text. Only published or in press should be included in the reference list. Personal communications or unpublished data should be cited in parentheses in the text with the name (s) (s) source (s) and the year.

In the reference list if a citation refers to more than three authors, list the first 6 and add "et al.". Use only one space between words until the year, and then, without spaces. The title of the magazine should be in italics and abbreviated according to the style of Medline. If the journal is not listed in Medline, then it should be presented completely .

Please note that if the references are not listed in order, the manuscript can be returned for corrections before being sent to the editor to enter the review process.


Examples of citation on the references list:

Journal articles

6. Bertheussen GF, Romundstad PR, Landmark T, Kaasa S, Dale O, Helbostad JL. Associations between physical activity and physical and mental health--a HUNT 3 study. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011;43(7): 1220–1228. 

7. Freitas VH, Nakamura FY, Miloski B, Samulski D, Bara-Filho MG. Sensitivity of physiological and psychological markers to training load intensification in volleyball players. J Sports Sci Med. 2014;13(3): 571–579.



2. Åstrand P-O. Textbook of work physiology. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2003.

3. Kenney WL, Wilmore J, Costill D. Physiology of Sport and Exercise. 5th ed. Champaign, IL - USA: Human Kinetics; 2012. 642 p.


Electronic citations

Websites are referenced by URL and access date. The latter, very important because the sites can be updated and the URLs may change. The date of "accessed" may occur after the date of acceptance of the article.

Articles of electronic journals

1. Bentley DJ, Cox GR, Green D, Laursen PB. Maximising performance in triathlon: applied physiological and nutritional aspects of elite and non-elite competitions. J Sci Med Sport. [Online] 2008;11(4): 407–416. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.jsams. 2007.07.010.


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

DOI is a network that was established to identify intellectual property in the online environment. It is particularly useful for articles that are published online before they appear in print and, therefore, have not yet received the traditional numbers volume, number and page references. Thus, the DOI is a permanent identifier for all versions of a manuscript, whether raw or edited proof, online or in print. It is recommended to include the DOI in the reference list.


9. Appendixes

Very large table, pictures and other files can be attached to the article as Appendices in separate files as applicable.


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Style and format


1. Writing style

The text should be prepared in scientific style, succinct and easy to read (read more about Scientific  Writing Style). It is desirable: an informative title, a concise summary and a well-written introduction. Authors should avoid excessive use of the passive voice and use unnecessarily abbreviations produced within the text itself. It will be accepted in the case of abbreviation that refers to the variable study's object. The considerations about the ethical aspects of research involving human subjects must appear at the end of the methods section (use template) Figures and tables should be used to increase the clarity of the article. Please, have in mind that your readers are not all experts in your discipline.


2. Language

The manuscript must be written in Brazilian Portuguese or English. The latter can be British or American, however, the text should be standardized not admitting mixture of languages. All articles must present the Abstract in both Portuguese and English.

Authors whose native language is not English must submit their work for review / preview translation of a native reviewer and submit  the certificate of translation in Supplementary Documents. That procedure aims to garantee text correction and quality of the production in order to ensure international credibility to the content published.

Examples of sites that ofers this kind of service are Elsevier Language Services and Edanze Editing. There are also many other websites that offer these services; none of responsibility of this Journal. The responsibility of idiomatic textual revision lies with the authors. It is recommended that authors revise their work after idiomatic translation / review, as often occur contextual errors related to the specificity of each area.

It is noteworthy that English language articles gain greater visibility in the international scientific community. Thus, the scientific production in this format is strongly encouraged.


3. Formatting text

The text should be processed in Word font Times New Roman 12 point, double-spaced, with margins of three centimeters (3 cm) on the left, with header and footers formatted according the templates. For instance, the only element in footer is the page number that should be located at the bottom of the page on the right. The line numbers will be inserted in the main document (set upped in Word, in <Page Layout> menu). Do not use footnotes, unless absolutely necessary. The manuscript should have the following structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, with captions accepted. For the preparation of articles refer to Type of Articles section and to format your article according to its template, download it and insert your text in it.

Authors should make every effort to ensure that manuscripts are presented as concisely as possible. Ideally, the main body of text should not exceed 4,000 words, excluding references. Longer manuscripts can be accepted at the discretion of the respective Section Editor, whom the authors should send in Supplementary Files a letter-justification that should accompany those texts that exceeds the wourds count. See the item Types of Articles the number of words for each article type.

The style of scientific writing is mainly characterized by clarity, simplicity and correct grammar. Clarity in writing is obtained when ideas are presented without ambiguity, which guarantees the univocity (characteristic of what can only be interpreted one way); further, clarity is related to the domain of the knowledge that the author has. For more details on the scientific see Scientific Writing Style.


Types of articles


Read the instructions below and then download the appopriate template for your paper. The word count does not include the Abstract, Tables and References.

In Sports Sciences


• Original articles

Original articles contain no more than 4,000 words, and have the following structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.


• Review article

Review articles may be systematic review and meta-analysis, systematic review without meta-analysis and narrative review. Contain no more than 6,000 words and, as applicable, will have the following structure: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion. The Results and Discussion session consists of an integration of the results with the discussion of the findings. For further understanding, see the article Systematic Review x Narrative Review (1).


1.  Rother ET. Systematic literature review X narrative review. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. [Online] 2007;20(2): v – vi. Available from: doi:10.1590/S0103-21002007000200001 [Accessed: 31st March 2015].


• Case Study and Brief Report

Case Studies and Brief Report contain no more than 2,500 words, and have the following structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.


• Commentary

Commentaries are published under invitation from the Editor-in-Chief of the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education. This type of article presents the analysis of scientists and other experts on issues relevant to the journal scope. Must contain no more than 1,200 words and a summary. The Commentary may be submitted to peer review, the Editor's discretion.

Other article types in Sports Management

• Research Notes

Research notes articles report project development test and data analysis, contain no more than 4,000 words, and have the following structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.

• Book reviews

Book reviews refer to those out of editing (Off the Press), contain no more than 6,000 words, and have the following structure: Introduction, Development and Conclusion.

In Historical  Aspects of Physical Education

• Historiography, Historical Research and Memory

Historiography, Historical Research and Memory articles contain no more than 6,000 words, and have the following structure: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion.



Together with main sections of the manuscript are the sections Strengths and Limitations of the Study, Declaration of Conflict of Interest, and Funding Statement, which are mandatory.

Title Page

Original Article

Review Article

Case Study and Brief Report


Other Templates in Sports Management
Research Notes
Book Review (off print)


Templates on History of Physical Education
Historiography / Historical Research / Memory


IMPORTANT: Articles out of format stipulated in these instructions may be immediately excluded from consideration for publication.



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Tables and Figures

Tables and figures (preferably colored) should be included into the text and numbered with Arabic numerals in sequential order (ex .: Table 1, Table 2, and so on). The titles of tables must precede them, while the figure captions should be placed below them. The details of the specifications for the figures are explained in detail below (See the templates).



Tables should be self-explanatory, with an informative title positioned above the table, clear and concise. Further details can be placed below the table in legends. The line units and column should be without vertical or horizontal lines, except line with the data headers (column headings), the main body of the table, and after the body of the table. Check out and use the templates.



Each figure should be prepared in two versions (color and black & white). The color version should be inserted in the text usually with the respective captions of the figures (below the figure). The black & white version should be sent in Supplementary documents, whose file should be named properly with the symbol "bw" at the end (Example: "Fig1 bw.jpg"), both versions (in the text - colored; and documents additional - black and white) must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Photos, drawings and more than one graph in the same figure shall be referred to as Figure 1, Figure 2 and so on. They must be numbered in the order they appear in the text. Diagrams and drawings should have digital format (.jpg or .jpeg).

For the printed version, the pattern of figures is black and white. So please, produce their pictures and images in black and white precise as possible (check the resolution and format of your files) in order to illustrate and adequately inform the reader what it is.

Please make sure that the resolution of each file is within the set. The total figures and / or tables of a manuscript shall not exceed the amount of 4 (four). For Case Study articles, Brief Report and Commentary this amount is a maximum of two (2).


Additionally, we encourage authors to send images (photographs) illustrating the research work referred to in Article. See item Cover Illustration.


Considerations on ethics in research involving human subjects

The Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education accepts only studies that have been conducted in accordance with the highest standards of ethics and protection for participants. The Resolution No. 466 of the National Council of Ministry of Health of Health,  published on December 12, 2012, contains the guiding principles, and covers global principles on the subject including the Declaration of Helsinki, which offers greater protection to both volunteers and researchers in conducting scientific research involving human beings or information about these. All the experimental work involving human subjects must conform to the stipulated requirements and, as appropriate, with the laws of the country where the work was done. The manuscript should contain a statement that the study was approved by a recognized ethics committee or by a review board. Although the subject matter is of public domain information, such as population or other statistical data, formal ethical approval must be obtained to confirm that there has been due consideration of issues related to ethics. Similarly, in the case of retrospective data analyzes, such as those produced by long-term monitoring data of athletes or other occupational categories in which physical fitness tests are carried out, the approval on the ethics involving human subjects must be obtained.

The statement on the ethical approval must be made at the end of the Methods section and the registration number obtained approval if there is one, it should be included.


Peer review (double blind)

The process of analysis and assessment of the articles is carried out by experts (teachers and doctors) from different areas of knowledge members of the journal's scope, with the anonymity of both authors and reviewers ("double blind review"). So the manuscript must not include any information that clearly identifies the authors or their affiliations, which shall figure only on the title page that is sent separately to the article. Please be sure to remove the properties of your main document items that identify the authors.

Information about the authors and the corresponding author should be sent in separate file named Title Page. See the template.


Editorial decisions
Accepted: This decision implies that the article does not suffer content settings, only minor editorial changes.
Revisions required: This definition implies that minor adjustments are still needed for the item to go to the accepted.
Submit the new round: This definition implies that the article needs to be widely published in order that further evaluation is carried out by auditors. Usually this decision is made in cases where the article has merit due to experimental design but need to go a long way in writing in order to effectively convey quality with the findings of the study.
Reject: This decision applies to studies which reviewers do not check enough innovations in experimental design or justification for their realization. Taking this decision does not preclude a new article submission since the authors are able to contemplate the questions of the reviewers through a letter responding to all questions raised by the reviewers and the section editor. In the case of a new submission, the article is considered as a new submission.


Aiming high scientific quality, during the Editorial process editors may request textual revisions that make the production clear and concise.


Terms and nomenclatures

Terms and nomenclatures must respect international system for symbols, units and abbreviations.

Scientists have tried to increase the comparability of studies and also reliability. In this context, the terms and constructs to be used by the authors should preferably draw on those already existing and well established in the literature. Authors should consider the terms in the Guide to Physical Activities of the US Disease Control Center (1), in which scientists sought to standardize concepts and terminology. Some examples of concepts and definitions mentioned in the guide are:


• Physical activity

And its subcategories:

• Regular physical activity

• Exercise

• Sport

• Aerobic Exercise


In addition, to measure the level of physical activity, the literature suggests that existing recognized instruments use standardization of energy expenditure in METs (metabolic equivalent) by the Physical Activities Compendium of Ainsworth et al. (2). The most used are the Baecke's Questionnaire (3) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire – IPAQ (4).


1. Department of Health and Human Services D. Physical activity guidelines for Americans. Okla Nurse. 2009;53(4): 25. 

2. Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Whitt MC, Irwin ML, Swartz AM, Strath SJ, et al. Compendium of physical activities: an update of activity codes and MET intensities. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2000;32(9 Suppl): S498–S504. 

3. Baecke JA, Burema J, Frijters JE. A short questionnaire for the measurement of habitual physical activity in epidemiological studies.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1982;36: 936–942. 

4. Craig CL, Marshall AL, Sjöström M, Bauman AE, Booth ML, Ainsworth BE, et al. International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. [Online] 2003;35(8): 1381–1395. Available from: doi:10.1249/01.MSS.0000078924.61453.FB [Accessed: 5th July 2012].


Reproduction of material copyrighted (copyright)

If your article contains any material, for example, text, figures, tables, illustration or video that have been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder (copyright) for reuse by the editor rather than the author. In this case, the statements of permission should be included below them in legends. The author has to obtain all permissions before publication and is the solely responsible for any charges that the holder of copyright will charge for reuse.

Reproduction of small snippets of text in its literal form, except the poetry and lyrics, can be possible without the formal permission of authors from that work highlighted in quotes and properly cited, according to the Creative Commons license.


Electronic submission of articles

The submission of papers to the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education of the Brazilian Army Center for Physical Training is made exclusively by the Open Journal System (OJS). New users must first register into the system. Once logged in, submissions must be made through the Author's Center.

In the submission, authors should select the relevant section in relation to their article.

Authors should keep a copy of all materials submitted for future reference. Papers submitted to the journal are anonymously refereed by recognized experts in the field; at least two of these referees will be involved in this process. In case of conflicting reviews, the Section Editor normally seek a more independent assessment. As the Journal operates a policy review by anonymous pairs, please make sure that was taken from the properties of your manuscript the author's identifying information. If you are submitting a revised manuscript and have used change tracking, please make sure that all comments are anonymous in order to ensure their anonymity. During the evaluation process, please highlight your text changes using the red font color.

During submission, authors are required to indicate three possible experienced reviewers for their work, which may or may not be required; they should not have been about it and nominated one cannot be members of institutions of the authors. The nomination of the reviewer is of the Section Editor's discretion and at least one of the reviewers involved will be independent of indications.

Manuscripts can be submitted in .doc or .docx format. All versions of the work will be saved during the evaluation process.

In case of submission that does not meet the publication standards of the Journal, the deadline for reissue the submission is 30 days, then the manuscript will be summarily archived.

Copyright transfer statement

To ensure the integrity, difusion and protection against copyright infringement of articles published during the submission process, you will be asked to assign us through a publishing statement of the copyright in your article. Therefore all published material is copyright property of the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education. Thus, no material published by this journal can be reproduced without written permission.

All statements published in articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and the corresponding author (responsible for the article submission) to mark the acceptance of the assignment of copyright will be taking responsibility for the other authors.


Access policy article

Submission and publication are free of charges and the Journal's access policy is open / free and texts can be used in citations, as long as they are properly referenced, according to the Creative Commons license.



All statements expressed in the publications of this journal are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ideas of their affiliated organizations, or of the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education, or of its Editorial Board (editor, editors and reviewers). Any claim that may be made is not guaranteed or endorsed by the Journal.

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General guidelines
Types of articles
Templates eng
Tables & Figures
Ethical Issues
Peer Review
Terms & Nomenclatures
Style and format
Cover Illustration
Material Copyrighted
Editorial decisions
Copyright Transfer
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Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education

Nome abreviado: Rev Ed Física / J Phys Education

Sigla:  REF/JPE


ISSN 2447-8946  (eletrônico)

ISSN 0102-8464  (impresso)

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Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education

© 1932 Centro de Capacitação Física do Exército


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