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ISSN 2447-8946 (eletronic)

ISSN 0102-8464 (print)

Additional instructions to authors


Optimize the visibility of your article on the web


One of the main scientific knowledge dissemination is the Internet and it was developed for this purpose. In this environment you use the Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is a way to make its most visible item for anyone who might be looking for your work.


It is known that the use of keywords helps increase the possibilities for the article to be located and therefore cited. In order to make it more likely that people read your article, make sure that the search index contains the most searched words of area / theme of your work, so that it is in a good position in the results list displayed when a reader enter keywords in the search engine.


There is a strong correlation between the results found in online surveys and subsequent citations in journal articles [1]. In addition, many readers begin their research using search engines like Google Scholar ™.



How search engines works in academia?


Many search engines have their own algorithms to the sites, some of which rank the relevance of the content and links to the site from other sites. Some systems use the metadata or "meta-tagging" to assess the relevant content. But most of them uses a page with keywords that emphasizes phrases in securities and / or most frequently used phrases. More information is provided by Google Scholar ™.




How to optimize the visibility your article on the Internet?


What words in your article are the most important? The authors should know the key phrases for your area of ​​expertise. Put yourself in the position of a reader: What words readers might type into a search engine if they were looking for something on the subject?


The reference to a standard set of common indexing in a particular discipline is a useful starting point. Thus it is suggested that the authors, in case of doubt, consult databases for choosing your keywords as descriptors in Health Sciences of the Virtual Health Library (BVS) and / or Mesh Terms.


The Title and Abstract you provide are also very important for search engines on the Internet; many of whom only indexing these two parts of your article. Your article title should be concise, accurate and informative. The title should be specific and should contain the words that readers might be looking for. This increases the likelihood that people find and read your article. Remember that you are writing for people and search engines! And do not be tempted to over-optimize your article. Therefore, the title should reflect the content of your article; if it does not, readers will be confused and may feel disappointed. The title should be understandable also for the general reader, that is, outside their specific area of ​​research. Whenever possible, avoid abbreviations, formulas and numbers. The following terms should be avoided: "Research ..."; "Study of ..."; More about ... ".


Think about how you can increase the number of people who read and cite your article: the number of citations influence where it appears in the rankings. Once published, work disclosure of your article including its link, for example, on your blog, on social networking sites, and pages on your website of your university / institution.





[1] Jacques, TS; Sebire, NJ. The impact of article titles on citation hits: an analysis of general and specialist medical journals. JRSM Open June 2010 vol. 1 no. 1 2. doi: 10.1258/shorts.2009.100020



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